Kenner Franklin Bisch:

*****NEW FOR 2024*****

     NOTE: Changes for this website: and and

used to all lead to this website.  Now, only serves as the web address.

     Also in 2024, there are new efforts into Health & Fitness, Best Deals, Bargains, and Product Reviews/Comparisons/Rankings/Store with pages added for viewers that will lead to affiliate store sites where products are available for purchasing.  Also, inhouse created and produced Computer Games are now added.  This website will have up to three-fourths of the content of the site devoted to these pages.

The Kenner Franklin Bisch Line of Companies:


**********Kenner Franklin Bisch Co.: Incorporated in March 2023.  A website dedicated to this company has been started (  This website is a temporary site and will be closed on February 22, 2024.

**********Webideo Co.:  Incorporated in March 2023.  Up and running.  A website dedicated to this company is up & running ( but will be replaced with the new website which is now under construction.  The change will take effect on April 6, 2024.

This company is the corporate structure for the Webideo YouTube channel:

(Webideo Co. is a startup Technology Company specializing in original inhouse videos production and management for online channels and everywhere else the videos will be made available including the YouTube videos of entertaining videos and information videos with a standard of quality and decency.)

**********Kenner Franklin Bisch Holdings Inc.:  Newly Incorporated in 2023.  Holding Company.  No website planned.

**********Kenner Franklin Bisch Electric Co.:  Newly Incorporated in 2023.  Website is live but under construction (

Sole Proprietorships:

**********Kenner Franklin Bisch Productions:  From which "The Online Presence of Kenner Franklin Bisch" began.  This website ( was started Feb. 2023 and changed to and new content is constantly being added weekly if not daily.  Look me up on LinkedIn for more information (Kenner Bisch, LinkedIn).  Also includes the Literary efforts (book writing, etc.).

**********Kenner Franklin Bisch Holdings:  The Private Financial/Investment of Kenner Franklin Bisch.

**********Kenner Franklin Bisch Electrical:  The Licensed Electrical Contractor effort of Kenner Franklin Bisch.  Licensed Master Electrician in Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho.

[Note:  KFB are the initials/abbreviation for "Kenner Franklin Bisch" in regard to the Kenner Franklin Bisch organization of sole proprietor companies.]